Error 404 Store
Book jacket design for Tomas Cizek's The Ruse
Error 404 Store
The Error 404 Store, a store for what you weren’t looking for.
When I start a school here, I was using a pirate software version of photoshop, and as I was working, all of a sudden, this glitch art comes out. Unexpectedly, glitch art was more beautiful than anything that I could create at that time, and I end up using it and having a very successful project. And I start this project at my last term since I am going to out here, I want to bring it back, because I think people don’t have a sense that the beauty of error, sometimes there is a beauty in an unexpected on it.
So when I think about the theme of 826 tutoring center in Los Angeles, I thought it would be great people go there think something and then actually meet something completely different. It’s really about always having curiosity in the way we create and open to things that different than what expected.
404 not found store is the new pop-up 826 store where people who have an expectation about what they are looking for find something else. Whatever you are looking for, you will not find it here. Our location always changing randomly into unexpected places. You will find yourself and more at the 404 not found store.
Special thanks to Petrula Vrontikis.
Check that glitch art here:
The product itself is significant. For example, the packaging says “Raincoat,” but inside it is a swimsuit, you may get confused at first, but this product really encourages you dancing in the rain and enjoy the rainy day since it’s infrequent in Los Angeles. So the idea of poster and products is really about lost & found, lost & found again and found the beauty of error by the end.
Also, my idea is it shouldn’t be in one place, it should be a pop-up, and part of the joy of this 404 store is gets lost and gets found. So I played with this facade. You would be expected it’s Walmart, but it’s not. It creates a little confusion and curiosity because that’s really what this is all about. Always having curiosity in the way we create and open to things that different than what expected.